Sunday, August 31, 2008


Abbey Road
Originally uploaded by sopranolibrarian
Abbey Road. Yea, we did the cheesy tourist walk across Abbey Road.
I did this using a mashup. I was having so much fun with this. I wanted to make trading cards for all my Girl Scouts, but I don't have individual photos of them. Maybe I'll do that over the next several months and make them for them for Christmas!

I am really intrigued about the mashup (ShoZu) which will allow me to directly upload photos from my camera phone. I took some cool ones yesterday and this will let me upload them myself instead of waiting on someone else. If anyone else has used this application, let me know what you think.

1 comment:

kathy oh said...

what a fantastic poster/pic! love the personalization you created using a familiar sight and a home grown pic. great job!