Sunday, August 31, 2008


Abbey Road
Originally uploaded by sopranolibrarian
Abbey Road. Yea, we did the cheesy tourist walk across Abbey Road.
I did this using a mashup. I was having so much fun with this. I wanted to make trading cards for all my Girl Scouts, but I don't have individual photos of them. Maybe I'll do that over the next several months and make them for them for Christmas!

I am really intrigued about the mashup (ShoZu) which will allow me to directly upload photos from my camera phone. I took some cool ones yesterday and this will let me upload them myself instead of waiting on someone else. If anyone else has used this application, let me know what you think.

Wednesday, August 27, 2008

British Library Gate

I have a bulletin board of library photos. This started as a joke and my family rolls their eyes while good-naturedly waiting as I take library photos. Maybe someday I'll post a photo of my bulletin board -- won't you be excited!

This one, though, was special. I got to visit the British Library in London. I really wanted to enter the "Library" part but wasn't allowed. However, the "Visitor" part was fun -- original manuscripts from the likes of Shakespeare, Bach, Beethoven, Austen, Beatles and the Magna Carta. Way cool. Even my honey enjoyed it (he's a blacksmith). You can check out the British Library at

With respect to the CML Learn & Play, my experience with Flickr was pretty seemless. I tried to search for public photos on Flickr without creating an account (because it is yet another password that eluded me for days). So I set up an account, which was super easy. I didn't get to "play" so much today, but it appears I will with Thing #6.

Now I need to bump my kid off my computer and upload more photos. I really can't wait until my dad does this exercise, so he an upload his photos from Alaska!

Wednesday, August 13, 2008

The Hyperlinked Library

Yesterday I had the pleasure of hearing Michael Stephens kick off CML's Learn & Play program and he had some really interesting points about libraries and the web. I think he gave two good reasons to participate in the Learn & Play program:
1. It's about making connections -- which, in my experience, is what makes work easier
2. It is not so much about keeping up with the web as it is participating in it.

I listened to the 7.5 habits of life long learners and realized that I've already developed most of the habits of life long learners -- I mean you don't enter graduate school 20 years after undergrad without having some of those habits. For me though, setting a goal is difficult; lots of times I just want to learn something new for no reason other than I have in interest. The easiest habit is how I learn best -- by doing -- by playing.

My dad lives in PA and recently retired. I shared with him about the Learn & Play program and he's interested. So we are going to do this program together; we are going to be connected even though we are not in the same city. What a cool thing!

Monday, August 4, 2008

Learn & Play @ CML

I am really excited to begin CML's Learning 2.0. I am really looking forward to the presentation next week. I hope others in the CFO group join me in experiencing Learn & Play!

Happy Week!