Monday, December 1, 2008

10 Random Things -- a superscript

Our Digital Strategies Director at CML issued this challenge: Why not blog ten random things about you and twitter me the link and that way I (& others) could also get to know you better.

So on my long drive over the river and through the woods, I compiled 10 random things about me:
  1. I love traveling. My parents took our family camping for vacation every summer growing up along the east coast. As an adult, I’ve been to Colorado, Florida, Boston, Nashville, Italy (Florence was my favorite city) and London, England and my next destination is either Ireland, Scotland or Austria.
  2. Lacy J. Dalton (country singer) is a distant cousin, although I have never met her. At family reunions, I have seen the branch of the family tree which connects us.
  3. I had a déjà vu experience as teenager at Harpers Ferry, VA. I leaned on a table in a building which had been used as a surgeon’s table and I could hear sounds and smell the surgery. To this day I pay attention to how I feel when I visit places and I feel most at home when I visit historic sites in Virginia.
  4. I survived Three Mile Island; I was a freshman at high school and spent mornings at another school to ease overcrowding. We were about 5 miles from the nuclear plant during the emergency and school officials exiled us unsupervised to the auditorium.
  5. Supreme Court Chief Justice Warren Burger received an honorary degree from Allegheny College at my graduation in 1986.
  6. I love to play Scrabble and Trivial Pursuit.
  7. My parents opened their homes to exchange students during the summer and hosted an end of summer party for the exchange students in the area. At one time we had about 25 nationalities sitting in my back yard singing songs. Our family hosted students from Germany, Italy, Mexico, Brazil, and Iraq. I’m still in contact with my friend from Iraq; she now lives in Canada.
  8. I really like to cook, particularly for a special event. At the holidays, I make biscotti for family and friends who drop in for a visit.
  9. My high school chamber choir competed at the Worlds Fair in 1982 in Nashville, TN and we performed in front of the Grand Ole Opry (the new one) at Opryland.
  10. I read historical romance novels. My favorite author is Diana Gabaldon, writer of the Outlander Series, a time travel romance series taking place in the 18th century. The most moving line in her series of books (and I paraphrase badly): “If ever there comes a time when we are parted and I fail to tell you I love you, it will be because I didn’t have time.”

Hope your Thanksgiving was full of turkey and things to be thankful for.


HeleneB said...

I think Florence is my fav Italian city too I've had the fortune of visiting twice. Luv the piazzos and great vino :)

PSUgrad86 said...

I've just found out about your blog. I was with you at the TMI drama. Your dad rescued us from Redland and took us all home. What a day.